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Day 26

(The End)
Hospital de Condesa to Sarria
33.4 kms



A beginning of an end...




An Ukranian hiker came in late.It'd passed noon time already,and there's no anyone at the reception desk to get him checked in.The timing for him was not right at the time of Siesta.I suggested him put down his backpack and get some rest before someone came to help.It was not full and there were many unoccupied beds.

If I were in his shoes,I would have done this.I thought I have been tough after years of traveling around overseas.

I was used to seeing the whole world was mine,and no one could take it away from me,haha.

Anyway,he finished the checking-in later on,and got a bed beside me.He was strong but looked difficult to get along with.
He was the first Ukrainian I had met.I was kinda curious about him though




Again,Walking pals were nuts,got up so early to set off.
Anyway,I went up a very steep slope myself later,and then I met the Ukrainian.He was panting heavily and standing by the road.He looked beaten already.
I didn't stop to talk to him.I simply greeted him and then kept on going up.After all,it's still dark and I didn't have the mood to start a chitchat with him.


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I finally stepped on the top of the ascending slope,and there was a big dog waiting for welcoming me.
It turned out I might be the first few to get up there this morning.It was still dark.
I wasn't afraid of bigger than normal dogs.In fact,the dog was sticking to me,quite intimate though.
The dog followed me into a cafe shop by the road.It turned out it was raised by the host of the cafe shop.I had my first coffee today,and felt so blessed after my first sip of it.

Then the dog came to play with me.What the heck?Oh~dear.The dog wanted me to pat him.It even turned over to show me its belly.

Why? "Do I know you?"


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People living in country loved to raise dogs here as it seemed to me.I went a long way today,slowly as usual dued to my feet's problem.Not long,a pair of Labradors,a white and a black ,came tailing me anywhere.My Goodness,what if they attacked me I thought so in mind.

I had to slow down my paces in case they were intrigued to follow,or even worse they were enticed to bite.I couldn't run fast this way,if they decided to attack.
They got closer,and then all of a sudden,the black Labrador jumped on me.I raised my right arm to ward it off.But it put his fore legs on my arm and started to wiggle.

Oh,boy,you're so cute.I quickly understood the situation that the dog wanted to be patted by me.The white one also came up.
What the heck?! Was today my dogs' day or something?I was very busy,and they got my coat dirty.
I couldn't shake them off at this moment.They're following me anywhere.
I noticed some other hikers coming from my back,then I quickly transferred the dogs attention to their new targets,

and then hurried off,or I didn't know how long I would be postponed by these two cuties.

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However,I was quite ambitious today.I wanted to shorten this journey,so I had walked quite some Ks,33.4,to reach Sarria.
Being in Sarria means there was only 100 kms left to Holy City, Santiago.I was very near now.


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Albergue Monasterio De La Magdalena,如果你到薩里亞,那就遠離這間吧,被叮得滿腳滿手的,氣死了。

My albergue tonight was very far from city center.Actually it was on the edge of Sarria city.When I reached it,I thought I was going to see my God soon.
The albergue was a convent looked nice and clean,but I was surprised to be bitten by fleas at night.

I was so pissed off,because all my arms and legs were full of bitten marks,

and the albergue(Albergue Monasterio De La Magdalena) was the only one that had fleas rampaged in my journey.
If you come,stay away from this one.
Besides all that,I needed to pay extra courier fee for my backpack at the reception counter,

because I walked too long today.The distance was so long that the courier company wanted to charge me more.
Great,so great~what a great day I had today!



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Day 27


Sarria to Gonzar
31 kms



Long and winding Road...

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The morning mist floating upon the green fields looked like being in a poetic and picturesque dream.
I was trying to finish this journey as soon as I could,making me walk over 30 ks everyday now.
Sore? Sure,but I met different people everyday,making me feel spiritually energetic.
Unfortunately,my legs weren't great.However,they would restore a little after a long night's rest.


我的策略是十月五日到聖城(飯店都訂好了,No show會扣錢),所以最後三天希望一切順利。

Oh,today,I finally met other 2 Taiwaneses.They were my 2nd group from my country.
My itinerary was to get in Santiago on Oct.5th.(I had booked a hotel already,so if I hadn't shown,I would be fined for one night's fee.)
I hoped everything went smoothely.


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After having my lunch in Portomarin,I resumed my walking.
At the entrance of Portomarin,I met him.
A Canadian guy,who had been walking many months already.Since he was going to Santiago too,I went together with him.

On the way to my albergue,we talked and walked,then he told me something about him,etc.
I made a rough calculation about the length he had walked.It's about 1,600 kms in total this year.
Crazy?Wasn't he?But I didn't dare to ask him the reason of doing so.Anyway,We might meet again.
I should have thought so ,but on Camino de Santiago,I had already met diverse people.
So a person like him wasn't so weird to me anymore.

We kept each other as companions until to my albergue.His French seemed better than his English.He told me if not for me walking with him.

He might feel very difficult today,and he liked my pacing speed.
His left leg was hooked with steel frames that helped him walk.But it didn't show any obstacle to his motion.

I frequented to meet him before arriving in Santiago in next few days.
But now,I had already forgotten his name,because he had a strong French accent that made me hard to memorize his name.
In a few days,I,then did really forget his name.Haha.


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Now,lying on lower bed in my albergue.The beds were bunks.
People who once slept here had written something on my bed's ceiling(my upper bunk's board.)
Lame~,nothing was about pornography,Haha.


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Day 28
From Gonzar to Melide
32 kms


My body is my battlefield,not my kingdom.



The 3rd day in countdown.
My fatigue and the wounds on my feet were the support of high and holy ambition.All my injury now seemed nothing,for my body had become the battlefield of my will.

Only the completion of Camino de Santiago would be the final victory of my kingdom.


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I bumped into the 2nd group of Taiwaneses again in Palas de Rei.
At first,I thought,wow~,they were as good as I was,walked so many kilometers,but it turned out they took a bus instead.
My opinion is,
If I wanted to experience the original Camino de Santiago,I'd better play it real,and I'd played it hard here.
Nonetheless,I questioned myself too,"Am I too serious about this?".
A~ha, well,this is life.
It doesn't matter that much,as long as we do things with real sincerity.
There's no need to remorse about it.



Melide was a big city.
Everything was convenient here.

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剩2天,我既累又期待,剩53 公里...現在回想起來,我好厲害說!!當然這裡有更多怪物級的人。

2 days left,I was tired but also excited. Only 53 kms left...
Now,I think back,I've found I was really excellent myself.I don't remember exactly how I went through all difficulties.
There were certainly more other men and women,who deserve my appraisal as well.
However,the journey is an individual discipline.There's no need to compete with others,but enjoying every moment along the way.
This is not a contest,not a race,instead of living in the moment.


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Day 29
梅利德-Santa Irene
From Melide to Santo Irene.
30 kms


Alone on the road.. at last...


After getting out of the door everyday,I could see others walking ahead of me or fell behind,more or less.
But this morning,I felt particularly lonely when started walking on the road.
Yeah, wasn't it like in our own real life?
Sooner or later,each one of us has to go alone to finish our last and very own journey...


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I had 53 kms to walk over ,before reaching Santiago, and tomorrow would be my last day on Camino de Santiago.
Thus,I wanted to walk 30 kms by tomorrow,so that I only had 22kms left for tomorrow,

and which could make me look less stressed and presentable as I walking into the Holy City.

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今晚就睡在聖城前一個小小的村裡,可能只有不到百人的小村莊Santa Irene,網路上訂的,由於還要從大馬路走入樹林裡,很是偏僻,庇護所主人很是辛苦吧?不過主人說從他那裏往另一邊走,也可以接上朝聖之路,不需再繞回去,這樣一切都底定了。

Tonight,I was staying in a very little village,Santa Irene,I thought its population should be less than 100.
It's my last albergue before entering Santiago tomorrow.
It was away from the main freeway.I had to walk deeper into a woods.It looked quite remote and secluded.
The host of my albergue must be hard in keeping the albergue running.
However,the host advised me that there's no need to go back to the main freeway,just go the other way,then I could reconnect with the route of Camino de Santiago soon.
Then,everything was set.Tomorrow...At last...

I knew a custom about entering cities or towns in ancient Roman times,
Which was for people, who comimg from outside and wanting to enter a town or city,must bathe themselves at the public bathhouse before entering.
And I just had my shower,so...
I was ready...





Day 30

Santa Irene to Santiago
22 kms


The legend keeps on...

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The last 22 kms didn't go well as I had expected.
I set off in a very early morning as usual.The barking of dogs locked in farmers' yards was piercing through the dark air into my ears.

I guessed if they were not locked in their masters' yards,they might now have jumped on and bitten me already.
I stood still and stared into the front.All I saw was nothing but silhouettes in pictch dark surroundings.
I should have feared,but my hostel's host had already given me the direction.
So,I went directly through the outdoors fields.

Before long,I had already stepped on my last flight of journey.

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-Trevor Chang.

Gradually,more people walked to join me.Even though sky was not bright yet,we threw ourselves into a wild woods.The woods should be the plain lit with stars before holy city as it was said.
We went slowly through the woods at last,and sun had risen bright out of the woods.

"I walked alone in a dark valley it seemed,and shattered skeletons were scattering on my path.
Despite my exhausting strength and withering looks,the shepherd of my mind,in the name of love,guarded and guided me towards the bright exit."-Trevor Chang.



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At last,I walked out of the woods.There was a high way by the route,and I could hear the sound of airplanes hovering over.I wondered if there's a airport nearby?
More and more people were coming together on the same way.I could see now that I had to cross the hill ahead to the other side,where was the area of holy city.
On the road,even school kids were joining in the last period of Camino de Santiago.
We were all heading to the final destination,Santiago de Compostella.




"If I could make it before noon",my mind started to ponder,"I could attend the Mass at noon time.In the afternoon,I could go to see the tomb of St.Jacob,the 12th apostle of Jesus Christ."

But my legs were in terrible condition today.So,I had been walking slowly now.I didn't know why my legs starting to play naughty.Perhaps,I had been over-exhausted lately.
My legs were really painful,and I still fell behind from my destination.Wasn't it only 22 kilometers today?
I began being silent,for my wounds really got me there.


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A tour guide came to acquaint and chat with me.We walked and shot breeze for a while,which seemed to assist my walking pace.Then,later we reached a cafe shop,where many pilgrims stopped for a break,and I also needed a break.So I said goodbye to her and we were parted thereafter.I did need a break,for I had been walking for a whole month,but she had just started to walk for a week.I couldn't walk this way with companions aside any longer,besides my feet were injured.I had better walk on my own way.


The whole condition wasn't like what I had expected and planned.Dame,it's my last day on Camino de Santiago,I wanted to finish it no matter what.
I walked over the top of the hill to face a long slope down to the bottom.
Generally,people would think it's less stressful to descend.However,I had been wounded,to me,it's more painful to go down,for it pressing more stress on my knees and feet.
I kept on moving forward slower and slower,even so,I arrived at the foot of the hill.
On my last flight of the slope,I heard someone was singing Taiwanese pop songs.The family in the few steps ahead must come from my country too.

I didn't go up to make acquaintance,but I felt nice to have people from the same place as mine.

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I walked down the last slope and then went across the overpass astride the railways to finally enter Santiago city.
I wasn't much happy at all dued to my legs.I had been labouring too much,and I had no idea how long it would still take me from the city edge to its old town area,

that was heavily built in 10th century.

Santiago was so modern so far,and which made me feel a little comfortable at least.Everything was so familiar in every big city in the world,cafe shops,restaurants,automobiles...etc.

I was so derailed in mind from my original anticipation,for new city area confused me a lot.


Following seashell marks for a long distance,then I came to face a obvious ascending road paved with cobble stones.

The motif turned into ancient that floating in the air.Yes,it must be the Holy City.
My Canadian friend patted on my back out of nowhere,saying "here I am too".It was really nice to meet old acquaintance,but my feet were killing me,

so I let him go ahead.I didn't want to slow him down.

I thought we would meet again soon,but no,I had never seen him again.


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I went to the office to redeem my credential,since I had had no other emergency to tackle.
All the buildings along the way were excellent.I just didn't have much mood to appreciate dued to my poor feet.

Thus,I had made up my mind to find my hotel after getting my credential.I was going to stay here for a few days.Thus there's no rush to finish my tour today.


However,when I struggled to enter the main square in front of the Cathedral.

Ah~this was...magnificent.Yeah,it could be a human made heaven on earth.

I let along the pains in my feet,started to enjoy the view.So grand,so stunning I wanted to exclaim.

Unlike other towns or villages with also large cathedrals,

Santiago was one of a kind,yes,it could be eternal indeed.


Petrified for a while,I regain my senses and headed towards the office.
I hardly believed where I was being as I stepped down the ancient stairs,I was in a dram,and the dream was my first impression to Santiago.
It won't be the same for the 2nd time,which I believe till now.


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I got back to new city area using my mobile's GPS to locate my hotel.I had slept at a albergue or a hostel for a whole month,

now I finally got to stay at a starred hotel,which was absolutely fantastic.
Standing in front of the mirror in my room,I stretched out the waist band of my shorts to find out the space between my waist and shorts was wider.

If I didn't tie it up with a belt,my shorts wouldn't hold on to my waist,but slip directly down the my ankles.
I felt lighted and cozy,and got out to the streets nearby after sorting out the stuff in my backpack,found a DIY laundry shop to do my laundry.It was no-manned laundry-shop.

All you need is to a credit card to pay the fee.
You don't really need cash in most European countries.


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隔天我又回到了舊城區,心緒漸漸平靜,放眼過去依舊熱鬧,陸續而來的人們,彼此招呼談笑,在廣場逗留良久,就去鄰近的Praza da Quintana去排隊,等著進去大教堂看一下聖雅各的遺骸,隊伍排好長,後來在接近入口時,一堆人開始插我隊,我真的不是很容易生氣的人,如果只是少數,也就算了,一整票人,是怎樣?腳傷加上排隊時間過久,害我當場發飆起來,我後來發現我常常在國外生氣,我真的要改進,對方就整個讓開,讓我先進入,其實就我一人進去,後面就沒人跟著來了,我也沒有久留,只是腳痛,順勢就往棺前祈禱用的墊子跪下休息,本來我想依照台灣人拜拜的舊習慣,向神明乞求個什麼,只是我跪下後,腦袋忽然一片空白,沒有,我其實沒有要祈求什麼,為什麼我要跟聖雅各求東求西?凝視著聖雅各的鑲金棺木,那就祝天下人幸福吧,我想起當初在耶穌陵墓前也是這樣,想著耶穌當時受難的艱苦,後世信仰者為何要拜著求東求西?我想因為我們小時候道教傳統上都是這樣教,佛教也賜於福報等等,習慣了吧?參訪耶穌陵墓後,到現在,當時撫摸石棺後手指冰冷的感覺還留在記憶中,聖雅各的墓室,卻出乎我意料之外,鑲金棺木,沒有想像的大,四周也沒有複雜的文藝復興風格的雕飾,當然也就沒有精美的石棺雕刻,這樣也很好啊,沒多久我就離去,算是完成一件旅遊任務。

Next day I went back to the old town with peaceful mind.It's hustle and bustle as yesterday did,and people swarmed into the square with a smile on face,chating with each other merrily.I lingered for a while,soaked myself in the happy atmosphere,before heading to the next square,Praza da Quintana.

The lines were long.I was also waiting patiently with others in line.We all intended to visit the mausoleum of St.Jacob.
When I approached to the entrance of the underground mausoleum,people started to cut my line.One by one,they never stopped,which really pissed me off,for my wounds on feet and having been standing too long in line.I was loud in scolding the people who cut my line.I thought my anger also surprised myself,for I hadn't been a person who got angery easily.
I really need to work on that,to make some improvement in this issue.

Those people might feel threatened by me,or embarrassed by my action.They flinched away,and cleared a path for me.I took the advantage to enter,and there's no one following me then.

The chamber was small.A matress for praying was put in front of St.Jacob's gold-coated coffin.

I kneeled down on the matress also because my feet were so in pain,using it as a cushion.Not so pious I guessed.
In my own cultural customs,people of my home would usually pray to our Gods or dieties for almost anything,when we kneeled down to worship them.But I was so blank in my head,not thinking of anything at all.I thought I didnt really have a wish to make.Besides,I didn't have a solid reason to ask St.Jacob when worshipping HIM.I didnt' think it's appropriate to treat him like a wishing pond,which was so ridiculous to me.

Staring at His gold-coated coffin,I then made a wish after all.I wished everyone in the world would be living happily ever after.

I remembered I had wished almost the same thing when I was visiting the mausoleum of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

I was thinking the predicament that Jesus was facing before he was crucified,and which shouldn't have been used by all people as a wishing pond.

All people like to make a wish to get somthing from God or dieties,which might come from our customs in religions.Even Buddhism also grants people's wishes when worshipping.We,people,might just be used to this religious habit.
What I remembered is the coldness left on my finger tips after caressing the sarcophagus of Jesus Christ.

Out of my expectation that the chamber of St.Jacob wasn't large.Even the gold-coated coffin was small.The chamber wasn't decorated with complex emblems with Renaissance style,not even having exquisite carvings.The chamber was so plain and easy to see right at a glace.I thought this was good,for not having many things to distract prayers' mind.
I left the chamber in a few minutes and felt relieved to have completed a mission in today's itinerary.


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My feet were still aching,but I didn't want to sit down yet.I kept on touring slowly and got back to the square where the Museum of Cathedral de Santiago was.I stepped onto the stairs that leading to the 2nd floor,then suddenly,I was called to halt by Rino and Elena from Italy.I was so surprised to meet them again,for I didnt' expect to see anyone with familiar faces any longer.
We talked the Mass activities in Santiago.I was advised that I might have missed certain vital rituals,etc.
I didnt mind that much,for I wasnt a pious Christian.Besides,I had visited many holy sites already.
If I missed the chance to take part in ,then it would have been simply not connected with me in my fate.I didn't need to force myself to be in every party.


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We held each other and said our last goodbye.I then started to feel sad,for being intrigued emotionally that was hidden behind my perseverance.

It seemed that everything was coming to en end soon.
Slowly I made slow gaits loitering in museum,passing an exhibtion room and then another absent-mindly.My wounds in my feet dragged me.

Holy City was my final destination and made all my exertions starting from a month ago a full stop.
I went up to the upper floor,then entered into a courtyard,a building after another building,having no obvious goals.Someone out of nowhere halted me before a gate,saying there's a ceremony going on inside.She was afraid that I might disturb others.But I didn't agree with this excuse.

I then made a promise not to make any noise,and she released me and let me enter without further words.
I got in and found its the Mass that people were talking about,and it was proceeding to its end now.
I was so surprised to know that I got to join the furnace swaying ritual under no concrete arrangement.It was a miracle I thought.


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聖城當然值得一遊再遊,此地是各大教堂集中的地方,十世紀以來聖城的每一個轉彎、一個廣場,分分秒秒都是信仰的氣味,濃郁的劃不開,回到飯店,其他旅客大力推介下,我參加飯店到"天崖海角"-Muxia 和 Fisterra 的一日遊行程,照理說有些朝聖者會直接走去,但我既然任務算是完成,在腳傷情況下,就不想再用走的了。

It's worthy of recurring to visit Santiago,where all sorts of churches gathered since 10th century.

The religious motif was so dense and hard to split off in every corner,every square,and every moment.
Headed back to my hotel,on the reception counter,I was strongly recommended to a one-day tour of Muxia and Fisterrra by other hotel's customers.
Usually,pilgrims would go on foot directly after Santiago.But my feet were injured and I thought to myself having my mission completed.I'd rather go by comfortable way this time.
No more walking ,God,my poor legs.


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I sat quietly on the sofa in my hotel's bright and clean lobby.The sunlight spreaded into the lobby's ground ,reflecting in my eyes.
I kept being silent and sat like a stone,watching people out of the windows going to and fro.
After a long long time had passed,I stood up and got back to my room.
I got my things together.
I thought to myself,
it was time to leave...


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Alsa is the largest brandname bus company in Spain.I took a bus to the station and then transferred to Alsa bus.
I was leaving for Portugal.
I needed to go to Campanha first,and then took another train to Porto.
I watched the views out of bus window,knowing it's the Portugal way to Santiago,if I watched it reversely.
The views on Portugal way was so different from French Way's.
I was thinking ,perhaps,I might come back to try this route,some day...


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~  End  ~



~ Continue to the next or previous articles~


2.愛與勇氣-朝聖者之路日記 (二)、Day 0 to Day 05.

3.愛與勇氣-朝聖者之路日記 (三)、Day 06 to Day 10.

4.愛與勇氣-朝聖者之路日記(四)、Day 11 to Day 15.

5.愛與勇氣-朝聖者之路日記 (五)、Day 16 to Day 20.

6.愛與勇氣-朝聖者之路日記 (六)、Day 21 to Day 25.















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