
Love in fading times -

Castle Sant' Angelo, Rome, Italy.



At the time of the late Spring in Southern Europe, it was still a bit cold in the moring and at night,but the rest time of the day was still warm and cozy.
It's just sun shined as usually bright,and I'd got sun tanned deeper day by day,ever since I came from the desert in Jordan.

I even could tell the changes of my skin complexion from people's speculations about where I came from.
People guessed me coming from Japan first, then as time went on, they started mentioning Philippines or Malaysia.
Then ,I knew I was so dark for having been exposed myself too much in sun these days.I didn't think sunblock cream would help at all.

So,I'd better give up the thoughts of using more any sun prevention lotion.

You see,whitening is very important to my people. We even have a say about being skin "white" makes you look prettier.
Here,don't get me wrong. I am not saying "racism" stuff. Eastern Asians think that being skin white means you are from wealthy family and don't need to work in sun.

And because our genetic face structure,we think Asian people are prettier with lighter skin complexion.
It's just a paranoid notion anyway. But the skin color preference affacts my people's aesthetics. Thus, I think "color" is also very important to a city, as it is to Men.

Rome has too many ancient ruins left, plus, dry ,withered branches of street trees at this time of year,that makes Rome fit to the "earthy" colors.
Today, walking in the atmosphere of dry,sultry weather made me irritated to some extent. But I'd felt better after spending more time walking outside .










Walking on, and soon I reached Castle Sant'Angelo that was on my today's schedule.
Things are like this.
There were hundreds of museums in Rome ,and there's no way that I could go to visit each one of them. So, I needed to select wisely, and the fee of admission didn't come cheap in the end.
It's about averagely NT$300-500 per ticket.
Well, I'd rather spend money on beer later at bars or clubs, haha, just a thought.

Either could you come from Saint Peter's Square, or like me, passed from the other end, by Supreme Court of Cassation, then went on, along River Tiber to reach Castle.
At this time of year, while walking down the banks of River Tiber, withered tree branches on both banks of the river made up some literatural atmosphere.
Nice promenades they were.

General Italians could be posh poshy by simply putting on a long coat. They like the collar to stand up ,and then add a scarf, which makes them look stylish and good-looking.
An easy way to make over promptly.
To my surprised, those scarves were not expensive.
They were about NT$150-200 a piece. Taiwan's temperature is usually high, which might be the reason that I have no idea on scarves.
But you can get them anywhere here from street vendors or shops around.

The main reason that I walked by Supreme Court of Cassation was because there was a Bialetti store on the corner of the previous street. It was holding a discount campaign for its goods.
Bialetti is a famous brandname kitchenware in Italy. I bought 2 coffee pots from it. For 2 cups pots, it sells NT$3,600 each in Taiwan's department stores,
but I got it here by NT$1,200 only.

Let me get back to my old track, or I'll soon get lost in the irrelevant shopping topic. 

I'd found my mobile's battery was dying soon, before reaching to the gate of the fortification(Sant'Angelo).The power couldn't last long.
However, I was not worrying too much. Because famous landmarks in the world are usually taken pictures by innumerable tourists already.
I can always see others' photos as a compensation,or make up the lost in my next visit.
The landmarks in your photos are the same as other people's, so to speak.
It's not a big deal,no need to make a fuzz.

Since it is the famous landmark in city,there's no surprise to see street artisits performing here too.
I felt Castle Sant'Angelo indeed a fortress, built for serving the military purpose of defense. It had also served as a prison for political dissidents in the 10th century. It was a cylinder shape, which plainly for me to know there must be a spiral walkway inside the building.








The plague was on the loose in the 6th century, which had caused many people died.
One day, the pope(Pope Saint Gregory I the Great) went by the castle. He claimed he saw Archangel Michael on top of the castle, indicating the plague was going to end according to his own interpretation.
From that on, the castle was named as "Sant'Angelo", worshipping Archangel Michael.

Who is "Archangel Michael"?
HE is the leading captain of all angels, usually assisting archangel Gabriel tackling arduous affairs. The concept of angels appeared quite early than I had  anticipated. I didn't know beforehand, and I thought the concept came from people's melancholic romance in old times, getting a bunch of kids' naked asses frolicing about for fun. Actually, it derived from Abraham sects more than 1000 years before Christian era.

However, the roles of the castle transformed through times in terms of politics. It once served to protect Vatican. Today, its military function had long gone, and turned into a museum. But, in the very beginning, the castle was the mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian and his family, one of the 5 most revered Roman emperors. His ashes were stored here at first, but it was lost after different wartime. I've heard it was stored now in Saint Peter's Basillica, Vatican.







There are many statues in Italy. You might think those figures are from artists' imagination. No, No, Nope. If you had paid attention, you might have noticed that Emperor Hadrian is the first Roman emperor with beards.
Ancient Romans used wax as materials for the molds of duplicating people's face, which allows us to know what Hadrian really looks like today. And since Sant'Angelo was born because of Hardrian,I couldn't help but do a little bit of research about him before visiting the castle. He looks like at his 40s' from the statues.

He...looks kind of rough, hahaha, muscular and perhaps a dick. Anyway, he is not the type of a scholar. In his times, it was not weird that emperor chose his successors by being a foster parent. Hardrian was adopted by emperor Trajan too.

Hadrian had two foster fathers. One was the emperor, Trajan, the other was the leader of Roman royal army, General Atilla. He was sent to Greece for learning literature and later on sent to learn hunting and battling technics from General Atilla. He was trained to be a full telanted and promising king. The solid background from his both foster parents made sure he would be anything they wanted.
Even so, Hadrian still went through a struggle to make a stand for the throne, after he went back from front line(Wars in ancient Iraq and Iran).Several council leaders wanted to overthrow him. Hardrian was threatened hard. So, he asked help from his foster father, General Atilla. Atilla was a determined man. He quickly underwent a series of stigmatic means by assassinating and abducting these dissident council leaders. Soon, there was no one in council objecting Hadrian, but the political ambience became harsher. In the end, Atilla offered himself to be the blackgoat blamed for the turmoil, in order for Hadrian to regain peace and start positive relationship with council.
Here, Atilla was alone in court judged by emperor's enemies. He told Hardrian before going to the trial, "This sort of things is my duty and I will make sure your hands won't be stained with blood."

Apparently Hadrian was so moved by his foster father's love.In order to thank Atilla's sacrification,Hadrian let Atilla have a seat in council later on,and enjoy in a lavish and secured retiring life.








Hadrian survived from long time wars and internal political fights, for men living in that kind of risky situation needed emotional backup. Hadrian was no exceptional. He had a very important love ally, Antinous.
Yes, He was homosexual and Antinous was 20 years younger than he was. On a tour to Egypt, Antinous was drown dead accidently, but I guess he must have been murdered by enemies.
Anyway, Hadrian was so sad and heart broken about the news. So he cried and cried really bad.
No matter how hard people tried to console him, and still couldn't help him stop crying.

Later on, Hadrian started to build temples to commemorate Antinous, and made statues in every corners of his palace.
So sad, he was. Though all love in earthy world will dissipate eventually in flowing time, his love didn't last long enough to reverberate in the castle, either.
There were darker days coming up for Castle Sant'Angelo after Hadrian's times.

Hadrian's love was ended right after the death of Antinous. In the process of political fighting, Hadrian proved himself was a 
tough emperor. In 132 A.D., when Hadrian was cruising near to Egypt, Jerusalem broke up a revolution against Roman empire.
Hadrian ordered to annihilate all men, all people in Jerusalem, which caused Jewish almost extinct. Then,in the coming years, almost for 2 thousand years, Jewish had been loitering everywhere but home. This is called :the 2nd Jewish War.
After all, Hadrian was a man with bloody hands. People ,ah~, people.





聖天使堡在中世紀經過幾任教宗作為軍事和監獄的使用,嚴然是 - 上帝的衛兵團,現在只是間博物館任憑世人憑弔,頂樓是觀賞都市風景的絕佳地點,米迦勒大天使手拿寶劍,俯視羅馬,有點鎮煞態勢。



Sant'Angelo was used as a jail and millitary fortress,it's the God's terrestrial guards.Now,It is a museum.Its roof top is one of the best location for overlooking Rome.The statue of archangel Michael holding a sword,overlooking us from above,which making it like a protector of Rome.

I...stayed on the roof top for a while... 

Feeling cold from rustling gusts,
Delivering my thoughts far and away through air,
Counting innumerably great tides in time ,
that come and go nonstop.
Then I turned and found....
a sinking sun in a scarlet dusky sky.

~The end,13,05,2017,Trevor Chang~








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    Trevor Chang

    My Very Own World

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