





The economic and most effecient way to travel in Turkey is by bus.The quality of Turkey's Buses are excellent in both service and hardwares.There are usually 2 drivers on board for changing hands in a long route.It wouldn't have accidents like in Taiwan's due to drivers who are overworked.

I took the bus from Istanbul to Denizli,then I got on the Bus number 76 to Pamukalle from there on.The fare was cheap.However,Turkish lila(currency unit) this year deppreciates quite heavily.Would there be any adjustment to the bus fares that I don't know.

Perhaps my Turkey friends in Face Book could give me an update.
You don't need to buy bus ticket beforehand.You can just buy from driver.The bus will drop you off at the front of the entrance of Pamukkale.The exit is in the downhill.Keep on walking to adjacent village,and go on walking till you can't go further.A row of houses will stop you go further.Then,it's where you wait for your bus to come to pick you up,and drive you back to Denizli's bus otogar.
It's very easy in arranging the transportation.







I had waitted buses in a desert that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere,which made this bus waitting a piece of cake in an environment surrounded by houses in a regular community.





I suggest to live in town of Denizli instead of spending the nights in Pamukkale,unless you want to wash in a hot spring all day long.Denizli has so many to offer,diverse stores,spa hotels,supermarkets and restaurants.It is more interesting and won't get you bored at night.







I went into and bought my ticket from North Gate.There wasn't much shades to ward off sun in blue ,clean sky.I had already given up using sunscreen.If you don't like it,then remember to carry the huge parasol with you to fight with the ferocity of sun.



First of all,visitors need to go by Necropolis that heads to the north gate.Tombs on the either side can be traced back 4000 years ago.The area of Necropolis is out of the town and all graves were built with heavy stones.I was impressed with their layouts as living houses.And the tomb raiders were prevailed.The rich were afraid of family's tombs being destroyed dued to looting.Thus,some of tombs carved with cursed inscription to warn those thievies.
It was a surreal scene while I was walking along the path,which accompanied with tombs on either side.




再來重要的古蹟就是浴室(Baths Basilica)了,古時候進城前,要在城門之前的公共浴池把自己先洗乾淨,這在羅馬帝國時期各城鎮都是如此,龐貝城也是如此。
Not long,I reached the Baths Basilica.It was the customs to wash yourself before entering the gate in ancient time.All Roman towns or cities had the similar rule imposed upon visitors.Visitors needed to bathe themselves clean at the public bath house like this one-Baths Basilica.I found it as the same thing in Pompei.




希拉波利斯古蹟裡面另一重點在於1、2公里長的噴水池街道(Frontinus Street),當然都已經傾壞,剩下古道排水系統,和路旁一點基座可以緬懷,這個城鎮古時非常發展,當然命運如同其他重點古蹟一樣,受到地震破壞後遭人棄置。
There are other touring points in the park.The Frontinus Street that stretches to 1 or 2 kms long,but it is dilapidated inevitably.The sewage system is what left through time,and a few colum bases on the road side.Hierapolis was quite developed once upon a time,and its fate like many of its Roman city peers,ruined and deserted dued to earthquakes.




The picturesque landscape was so pretty.Even though I couldn't make up any importance from the piles of stones ,but still I roamed among the ruins and weeds at the Apollo Temple causally.
There were two more sites worthed to focus and visit.One is the Roman Theatre set on the upper slope of the hill.The theatre was kept nicely and it looked grand as well.It seemed to hold musical events, and the like, at night from time to time.The other site was the Martyrion of St.Philip.Some archaeological work was still going on for the remains of St.Philip's corpse.Keep going up,I came to the best spot for a panoramic observatory. 







I actually wasn't in a hurry.Thus,I spent quite a while staying here.In the end,I headed to the direction,where the white salt rocks was.I passed by a spa resort,and museums.After a brief visit to these buildings,I finally came to the other apex of the tour,which was the outdoors hot spring.The site that we usually saw from a tourist photoshots.All white it is from bottom to top of the hill.I kept going down until I reached the other exit at the bottom of the hill.I kept going straight and through the village.Not for long,I went to the roadside,where I met my bus and left afterwards.





It was out of my expectation that the white salt bed was very hard to step on.But the rule prohibits people entering with shoes on.However,I still got in with shoes on my hands.I felt stinky toughness coming from the hard salt bed.It was all right to walk on it ,just being slow.
A lot of people came to enjoy the hot spring in sun,but I thought it was awkward and odd to have tourists passing by you up and down,while you're wearing just a bikini,laying by the pools.It would be better to have a spa service up at the resort.
The water here was crystally clean.I sat by the ditch and took a brief rest,simply letting the spring water flush by my feet.Sun was fierce,the white salt bed was easily reflecting the sunlight,which even made sunscreens hard to protect my skin further.Nonetheless,the spring water is cold,the pool water was warm,and everything was so great in here.























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