
世事如常,春風吹又吹 -   羅馬尼亞克盧日-納波卡市
A Medieval Town with a normal life as Vernal Breeze non-stops rolling,
Cluj- Napoca, Romania.



I kept going north , with a goal of visiting 7 largest medieval towns in Romania.
The day I came to Cluj Napoca, here, the largest city in the north of the country, seemingly with higher developed way of living compared to other towns.

It's not surprised at all to see seats of cafe stores and restaurants outdoors, that's a standard sight in all Europe, night clubs could be found here as well.

As to the public traffic, I have to point out that the railways are old.  
It hasn't been long enough for Romania to enhence its quality of public transportation after WWII, and after the epoch of the cold war between Soviet Russia and USA. 

It took Romania a very long time to get out of the Communist system, which causes its development greatly fall behind its peer countries in Western Europe. The economy is gradually walking out of that dilapidating era.
(In 21st century? now?...
 Yes, I also hate to see this, but things in the world sometimes are not going as our hearts wish.)

Due to being a member of EU, it's natural to be a satellite subordinate to these traditional developed countries in Western and Middle Europe. At this developing stage, it's not a bad choice though. 
Therefore, there are many going to work at that side of the continent, because people can move around freely as a member of EU. 



I got out of the train station, but I couldn't find a cabby, who liked to give me a ride to the downtown, because the distance wasn't far, even on foot.
A cabby of the taxies waiting in front of the train station gave me a direction.

I couldn't help but walk on. 
As a matter of fact, I would like to spend for the service, for I was quite beat at this moment after a long ride. 
I was in fatigue, however, what they told me was logically correct.
I hit on the road dragging my heavy luggage, slowly heading towards the main square.
Lucily, the path was flat and well paved.
I was perspiring heavily. 
It was too dame hot, even it's getting into the mid fall.

So thirsty, I rushed into a nearby pub, and I didn't care if it was open or not.
I flopped on the chair feebly after gurgling down my cold,cold beer, feeling urgly...



At last, I stepped into the realm of the Old Town's Square. It did look awesome, really magnificent indeed,unfolding in front of my eyesight.
But sunlight shone so bright, I started to feel a bit stroke. 
I quickly skimmed over the whole area just to find my hotel was right by the square.

But I started a fire with the staff at the reception desk, after he told me "No room available , and there's no record of your reservation left."
I took out my reservation copy with an apparently unpleasant speaking tone.

In the end, the staff gave way and gave me reluctantly "The Last Room".
and told me he'd change me to another room tomorrow after someone else checked out.
Then I felt a bit puzzled, weird, for apparently the hotel had a room that's available still,but I didn't say more, for I had had enough argument.

That night...
I came to realize why.
"The Room" probably was what people used to call "the ghost room", which was not for rent in regular business time...



Many hotels were revamped or upgraded as starred-hotels, but usually governments wouldn't allow civilians to make any change to spoil the buildings' original layout.
The hotel I stayed in Cluj Napoca is one of them.
This type of hotels in my general impression was not very good in quality, but less expensive. 
(Surprised !, haha.)
Besides, they usually were not equipped with air conditioners.
However, hotels would place pretty furniture, which were not good to me, because they were not practical in use.I didn't feel comfortable though.

I took a short break and then hit the road again.
The receptionists didn't now have much interaction with me after our petty quarrels when I checking in, lol.



The landmark church is right beside my hotel, which was built in 15th century.
Its bulky shadow in sun reminded me of its peer, also a Gothic church,
 Black Church in another city, Braso.

The bell tower it has is the tallest bell tower in all Romania, as high as 80 meters, which made me have to go long to take a full picture of it.

However, unlike the floor in Braso's Black Church, which has been so often treaded by people for hundreds of years, that its cobble stone ground floor sunk deeper and has become uneven.
The ground of Catedrala Romano, on the other hand, maintained quite well.


The bell towers in Romania are usually high, especially near the tapering tower.
The wooden stairs...I wasn't sure if they were properly maintained, and they were usually very steep.
I didn't dare to climb for I had acrophobia, which was first time triggered as I climbed the center tower in Angkor Wat years ago.
Although I had conquered it the other time in Angkor Wat, same place, the fear shadows would follow me still from time to time ever since.



In the far area of the square, where was a pedestrian district, also a business street.
I'd like to find a restaurant to rest after walking for a long time.

Then at one noodle shop, I met the Japanese friend, who I had made acquainted with at the train station. I immediately greeted him, but he totally ignored my gestures and me.

I was so stunned by his response, and meanwhile also felt offended. I thought it was totally unnecessary to make pretend not knowing me, even in my opinion and from certain stereotypes, that many Japanese are introvert, or even we were just nodding acquaintances.

Again, it was absolutely not necessary to do so . No wonder I have been wondering a plenty of people in this world are "weirdos".
See, how much upset I felt, that makes me still remember in many years, lol.




Anyway, after my dinner, it was still early.
I made a quick tour to the National Gallery, which was just beside my hotel.
I got back to my hotel after night fell.
I heard someone was making noises.
A woman was in bright, shinning gown, standing on the stairs, having a quarrel with her man actually, on the extravagant red carpeted stairs.
Her voice was extremely coarse that made me realize she was a transsexual, lol.
I was tired and felt funny all at the same time, and needed to get back to my haunted room later, lol.

Well, since the hotel staff wanted me to change room tomorrow ( see, they knew there's something wrong with the room before letting me use it.)
I decided to make a change of my itinerary.
I re-scheduled my tomorrow's plan to the famous tourist site, Salina Turda.





I set off as soon as I found my bus.
I am not bragging about how good it is to travel around freely, or it's a must to travel.
My point is in the self handling capacity, which was degenerated through ages, for many people are not dare to travel alone today.

My bus arrived in Turda. I got off and started to ask around about the direction,even though the direction signs were plain to see. A girl with tooth brace told me the direction, though I was not sure the reason why she giggled. Was there anything wrong?

Then, in hours later, I had already walked over hills in the sultry sun.
I came to realize that the exit was back to the other side of the town, and even the bus I needed to take to get back to Cluj Napoca was waiting nearby.It's quite surprising to me until I pushed the exit door to leave.

It's a long walk from downtown to its front gate. It's even harder walking in a smoldering sun. I almost felt fainted. But in the end, it all worthed of the efforts for the sight was really good.
It would be easier to save time and effort next time by hailing a taxi to tackle the transportation in town.


,可是還沒有搞好的樣子,不然是很好的休閒觀光地點( 我大概走累了想泡一下,哈哈)。
Salina Turda was a great tourist spot. At first,I wondered where to get all the saline mines, in my impression, I didn't think there's any ocean that adjacent to Romania.
It turned out all salt mines in Romania having been existing for ages in history, some of them are more than hundreds of years.

The miners dug the ground deep so that the temperature difference could be 40 to 50 degrees from above the ground.

A spring pool was being constructing, not yet completed. It'd be an ideal spot for relaxing( I might be tired after the long walk, so that the pool looked tempting.)

The audio guide was free, but no Chinese version was included.
There were a cafe shop, a small amusing park, and especially an artificial lake, which could take you a whole day down there. As to the documented artifacts, there were moved to the other site in the downtown working as a museum.






回到市區,新房間好亮,根本就整天日曬,只好整天拉上窗簾,來到這天,我想去看一下這裡的專業植物園 -
My new room at the hotel was so bright that I needed the curtains to be drawn all day. There was no any object to block sunlight directly into my room.
I couldn't stay at my room for long under the circumstance. I quickly made a plan to visit the professional botanical garden, Gradina Botaica, Alexandru Borza, where might offer me an escape for a time being from the heat at my room.
Actually, I didn't expect too much for it. I simply didn't want to spend too much time in one of those chic cafe shops.
However, the tour to the garden turned out to be an excellent experience. It was very professional, and a hospital adjacent to it, which was also an oncological research center.

所有花卉之中,在中、東、南歐大概就屬玫瑰花是大家最愛了,各種品種都有,也出產很多玫瑰產品,從土耳其一路過來都有,這其實有歷史的,我有點忘記了,大概是從亞歷山大大帝開始吧,從印度傳過來的,其中以大馬士革品種最適合大量加工,台灣的廣告上標上"大馬士革玫瑰",感覺很酷可以很貴的樣子,其實並不是很稀少珍貴,只是因為傳統上適合加工用,就像你要喝玫瑰花茶,所用的玫瑰不會用大馬士革種, 我在保加利亞買了超貴

Among all flower species, Roses could be the most favorite to people in Middle, East, and South Europe in general. All kinds of rose products can be found here, all the way from Turkey.
As a matter of fact, the roses here have their history starting from Alexander the Great. 
I don't remember quite clearly now about the history. From my vague memory, it has passed over from India. The " Damascus" species is the most suitable species in mass production.

Some Taiwanese companies that sell rose products like to label the goods with " Damascus ", so that the goods look fancy and expensive , a way of exaggeration in advertisement. However, some consumers would fall for it, so gullible. After all, there are many people who are vain nowadays in our society.

Damascus roses are not scarce, it is simply good for processing rose related products.
If you drink rose flower tea, you wouldn't use Damascus roses. There are other species for tea.

However, this reminds me of my stay in Bulgaria.
I bought an expensive bottle of pure rose essence, about 5 ml.
The quality, of course is excellent, and I gave it to my older sister, so that she could rejuvenate.
Ha, there's no such thing in life. Aging is irreversible. No need to spend too much on these cosmetics.


這天園裡沒什麼人,我逛得很愜意,規模不錯也夠大,不輸我在法國玩的植物園,除了有大型溫室外,竟然還有日本園藝區,我很喜歡,園裡玫瑰花開爭豔,一時還以為春天忘記走了, 後來在溫室區又遇上牙套妹,看到我就一起笑出來,因為她知道那天我走到鹽礦,一定走到很靠杯,lol。
On this day, there were not many visitors in the garden, which I felt so happy about it.
I spent a wonderful leisure time here.
The garden's scale was large and it was good as those I had visited in France.
It also had a large greenhouse, and an area of Japanese garden.

I felt so soothed and relaxed. Roses were everywhere along the trails I'd treaded.
Sometimes, I forgot Spring had already gone.

Then,I bumped into the girl with the tooth brace again in the greenhouse. We laughed at each other immediately when our eyes met. Because she must have known I had been cursing all the way to the Salina Turda on foot the other day, haha.


It seemed to be a little better than I'd expected before I came.
Bucharest, the capital, was a bit messy, however, in my impression it was sort of down-to-earth generally. 
It wasn't developing aggressively because Romania was just out of the Communist autocracy from Russia collapse in 1990. Only 30 years has it been ever since.

Thus, exotic and foreign culture or people would trigger a bit curiosity. It gets even more obvious in country. However, please don't be misunderstanding, for not every one is passionately interacting with aliens like we do. 

I only had a better luck during my stay here.


Cluj- Napoca can be counted as a big city. I went to take a walk in the nearby hill and its central park. The promenade was accompanied with green trees on either side of the path, which I took in the refreshing air and my eyes were full of jade like greenery. The breezes blew softly in bright sun, making my head spinning light. 

Then I saw a newlywed couple taking wedding photos with a team of camera men and stylists. I thought I had sensed Spring lingering a longer here on this day.

On the foot of the hill (Cetățuia Park), there's a gigantic sports dorm, too.


這是給人休息的好地方,難怪會成為背包客在羅馬尼亞北方的天堂,想著有點不可思議,怎麼會來這裡? 這其實是羅馬尼亞鄉間一位90多歲的老人問我的問題,現在想起來,好像有很多不認識的人問我同樣的問題,我其實沒有原因,只是單純想來看看玩玩,沒有要證明什麼,也沒有在追求什麼,既然逃不出生老病死,那就隨心所欲吧。
The city is an ideal place for travelers to take a break. No wonder is it a haven in the north of Romania. 
Sometimes, I wondered to myself, how did I come to places like this? Incredible, for this is also a question asked to me, from a 90 year-old man in the Romanian country.
Now, I remember , there were many people on my way who asked me the same thing, who I had never met before.
Actually, I don't have a concrete answer for that, even now.
I simply wanted to see, play, or whatever, you know, that's what a travel calls.
I was not trying to prove anything, or pursue anything at all.
I'd like to allow what my mind would love at the moment, then I'd go for it, because I can't escape the grasp of living agonies that we are all in( birth, aging, illness, and death ).
I would then, drift a bit.


It came to the time to leave again. 
The trains in Romania were old, making travelers with heavy luggages... hard.


~ End ~




















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