
(5).Laos -Beauty and disconsolation after lifting the veil.












A Corner in the Paradise of A Grand world,4,000 Island,Laos.



I was about to enter the last 2 countries in Peninsula Indo-China,Laos,and Vietnam.
Before my new journey started,as a world traveller 
,I jotted down quickly and briefly its background in time and space...













    ASEAN started in 1967,at first,it targeted to anti-Communism,formed an institute to get everybody in this region work together.At that time,there were many rebellious guerrillas.

Governments in this region wanted to oppress them.    Gradually it changed.It expanded to be larger.It's only a matter of time to get Socialist Vietnam and Laos included.

Later on,it shifted its focus on international trading.Of course,it has more goals as a family.Its memebers signed Declaration of Human Rights in 2012,even some of its members are not fitted to this requirement.

(At least,it's a right direction that ASEAN countries can walk on.)





In 2015,in order to stimulate economy in this region,an organization that would bring in more prosperous ,safer,and stronger in competition was established,AEC,which allows people in this region move more freely.It becomes a norm that I have been seeing anytime at different airports .People go across the borders to make purchases or work.Thus,cheap labors have never been in shortage.

If Thailand is in short of man powers,workers in neighborhoods can come quickly to fill up the blank seats.So,now,you can see the interesting things here.Under the background of Trade Wars between United States and China,that started in 2018-2019, ASEAN countries are stepping on to replace China as a new "World Factory".

The shift of supplying chains to this region from China makes the relationship funny between ASEAN and China now.

我在結束柬埔寨吳哥窟的旅遊後,有鑑於時程上的安排緊湊,放棄了柬埔寨首都金邊和第一大港施亞努市港的參訪,急急忙忙往寮國去了,既然這次沒去,那就少說些。I spent a few days in Siem Reap,Cambodia,

due to my rush schedule,I gave up the visits this time,to its capital Phnom Penh,and the largest habor,Sihanouk.I have had some information about them.However,since I hadn't gone to visit them,

I'd better not to say too much.


hit it the road with me...




I had arranged and set my following schedule quite early for the next visit in Loas.I was planning to go pass by the inland customs at the borders between Cambodia and Laos. That way could let me reach the 4,000 Islands directly without having to transfer from further northern cities.The 4,000 Islands has been attracting a great deal of tourists,who are fond of alternative vacation spots.A less beaten path I say.However,it wasn't difficult to buy the bus tickets.The bus ticket selling booths could be seen everywhere in the street of Angko city.

Big signs stating "Destination,Don Det isle",and it also included boat fee."Great!", I thought,"Easy then,it should be no problem."
Who knew transportation in place like this offered not only delivery,but also a trap for newbies.Some places really see tourists as juicy lambs,and yes,I was.




Speaking of tourist scams...
I really have been many not-so-main-streamed locations,and I'm always careful in mind.The 4,000 Islands is remote,though frequented by many as well. 

Nonetheless,the transportation made me feel unreliable somehow,especially I needed to cross the borders of 2 different countries,that were not so free as democratic ones.

Even things have been updated and got improved a lot nowadays,due to the revamp of a brand new facility at the airport customs in Angko.

Like others,I've experienced at the Cambodia customs,

to be asked for extra cash at the counters,it's not news though.But,how about the paralleled customs at the side in Laos? 
I thought it should have been the similar of its peer here.So I got on line to check it out.

Yes,it was a necessary to tip away for my ground visa.Then,how to give away "the tips"?I had no idea at all,thinking it'd be all right,

if I just follow the suit.I'd see...












超順利拿到簽證和護照,過了海關,看了一下時間,已經下午4點多一點,我回頭跟同車才認識的法國、韓國朋友打聲招呼,滿心歡喜說我在前面等你們,可是我找不到接駁車,車呢? 什麼!!我被放鳥了!!!

Bus company sent a driver to pick me up at my hotel,
then he kept on picking more tourists along the way. When we arrived at the gathering point, there were more from the domestic people.

We all changed to a bigger bus and then left for the border.2 hours had passed,before long,we had come to a resting stop. We needed to change to another bus again,

but we needed to wait the new bus driver to come. More time had elapsed,I checked to see it's over 3 pm.

What's going on?

However,the bus driver showed up at last,and this time we really took off without returning. Finally,I spotted the customs in the front,not far away.

It was a long drive.We were told to gather our own luggages and report to the customs for the application of the ground visa.

The bus would wait for us in the other side ,where was in the territory of Laos.I rushed to the windows of the customs,got an immigration slip, and started filling it like there's no tomorrow.

Why? no reason,just for fun,lol.

I quickly handed over my passport,the application form,and,of course,the  money. What's next? Well,waited the customs officials to call me name.

Soon enough,I was the first to be called up to retrieve my documents. But I was asked to give more dollars, before they returned my passport and the approved visa.

The fee was not listed on the sign,thus, it was the special "tips" as I had heard. The officials were all working in the same office,side by side.

Hence,they were all together in this.Fine,no problem, as the spanish phrase I had just learned,"El dinero habla."

I handed over the banknotes as fast as a flash lighting did,haha.I got my visa and passport successfully.I turned my head cheerfully to my new acquaintances,a French and a South Korean.

I told them I'd be waiting for them in the front,where the connecting bus was waiting.But I couldn't find the bus.

It's weird.
Where was it? How could it leave without saying a thing to us? I was very fast already,where was it?Shit !! I was stood up by the bus!!
How could it be? I was so stunned by the new change of the wind...









我的同行夥伴呢?他們還在海關蘑菇個什麼? 眼看天暗下來,已經5點多,旁邊竄出一位計程車司機,開口跟我要美金16元到碼頭,我說要等同伴一起,眼前只有他這輛車,再前面一點有間飯店,路旁一、二間潦草的民營餐廳,再來就什麼都沒有了,我不會淪落在這裡吧?

Where were my companions? What the hell were they doing at the customs? What took them so long? The sky was getting dimed.It's over 5 pm.

A cabby stood in front of me out of nowhere and all out of the sudden.He started to chat with me,telling me he was a taxi driver,and the fare to the ferry was about USD16.00.
I didn't know why I had to negociate this with him.

I looked around and then told him that my friends were still at the customs. We had to take the same car to the same ferry. I needed to wait for them.

So,I took the time to inspect this place around me. The cabby was the only one left,who had the car,and he was the only one taxi driver I could find at this moment.
A further ahead,not very far,
there was a hotel,and then couples of shabby restaurants.

That's it! 

There's nothing but grass here. Gosh~  I began wondering the possibility to be abandoned in a place like this.

What's going on with my friends at the customs? it took too long. I decided to negociate a better price with the taxi first, but he didn't want to cut the price at all,not even a budge,

which caused my suspection. Why?

Suddenly he offered me an information, saying the closing time at the ferry is about 7:00 pm. After that time,there wouldn't be anyone working at the ferry.

Besides,it would take 10-20 minutes to get to the ferry. What!

What a shock !

都已經快6點,手心在冒汗,我趕快回頭找他們,原來這兩隻混蛋,不願意付那潛規則的"規費",跟海關槓上了,這是個甚麼地方! 這時候給我施展正義的抗爭,又不是很多錢,1、2元就趕快給了,走人了,車都跑了哪!
The time was pressing to 6:00 pm, I could feel my sweat on my palms.I'd got to get back to find them. What the hell were they doing?

It turned out they didn't want to pay the extra "tips",protesting and arguing with the customs.


"Couldn't you guys recognize where you are? What place is this? couldn't  you pull the stunts at this place at this moment?

It's not much,only a couple of dollars. Give it to them,and we need to be hurry, because our bus has ditched us."

好不容易他們給錢過關了(知道後來為什麼他們戰敗了嗎? 不給錢! 人家海關直接就把窗戶關起來了,這兩隻傻鳥!)
At last,they handed over the "tips", and the customs gave back their documents. (Wanna know why they were defeated in this matter? Not giving money, 

the customs then closed the windows right in front of their faces. Tow silly birds...)









那麼剛才前面那一段正義魔人是在給我鬧什麼? 還不是要花這個錢,我趕緊告訴他們車跑了這個訊息,他們兩個就開始抱怨這邊海關怎樣、怎樣,七嘴八舌說現在要怎麼辦?



It's not really a must-do at the customs.They got to pay at the end,which made the whole protesting a ridiculous plank.

Anyway,I told them immediately about the information that our bus had gone. They then bursted up a flare of complaints about the customs this and that,here and there,and so on.
"Then what are we going to do?"

The French took out a cigarette and lighted it ...

Great !, just great.
Now they started to smoke...












No way~
I was alone on this.I needed to stand on my own. If I depended on the both silly birds, I would have ended up sleeping outdoors in wilderness.

And I had already paid a room to the hotel in Don Det Island. I didn't want to waste it. It began dripping a bit.It didn't look good.

The rain might fall at anytime. I needed to do something, if I didn't want to spend a night at the nearby hotel.

I was so reluctant to let this happen in my travelling records. Thinking back in a flash

,I realized it was obviously that the delayment caused by the bus driver at the rest stop was made on purpose.So that we,the foreign passengers had to spend the "tips",

and the fares on taxi,and even worse,an additional night at the hotel at the customs. The situation that I made a quick pass at the customs must be previous Taiwanese passengers ,

who paid as they requested,and I followed the suit accordingly without causing further trouble for them. That's why it only took me few minutes to finish the application of the ground visa.


I saw them from afar that they were negociating price with the taxi driver...

it should have been,right? or maybe they just made a funny chitchat. I had no time to waste. I ran to the hotel for help to see if I could get a ride from them. 
Some people though liked to help,but I was still empty handed. I ran across one of the customs officials on the way getting back, 
telling her this was not good for their country's reputation.

But she pretended not knowing what I was talking about...


I made a hasty to find a domestic passenger,who was on the same bus with me.Luckily,he knew a little English.I pleaded him to negociate the price for me to the taxi driver.
I also asked his mobile number,in case I was left in the end,that at least I might have a place to crush in.A rush way to make friends,haha,I might be a bad one.
Who knew what would happen in a place of nowhere like this?and there's no a God dame street lamp. 





It's getting even darker.No way!
It would have caused me a lot,I was doing the math.If I added up all additional expenses from this incident.A night at the hotel here,the fee that I had already paid to the accommodation in Don Det,

the ferry fee that I had paid,and again the taxi fee...

No way!
I made a re-negociation with the cabby by a resolute mind.I ended up by US$16.00 a ride for all of us,instead of US$16.00 per person.
Perhaps I heard it wrong,or perhaps the taxi driver's English wasn't right to make me understand in the beginning,or perhaps my attitude started to kick in bad.

My new friends were still nagging and stalling somehow.I quickly accepted the deal and got everyone on board."Shut up and get your asses on board,off we go."

I was not smoothy and didn't think I was very kind at the moment.It was just not the right time,and I didnt' have the mood.
Because I might have chartered the taxi and gone by myself...alone.




I was still a little fidgeting after the taxi took off.Our driver sent our domestic friend home first,took us to the ferry thereafter.

I never stopped pushing him to drive faster along the way.I felt reliefed when I saw the boatmen being there at the ferry after our arrival.

This was a very small and shabby dock,or perhaps only a makeshift one for daily casual commutes.It was dark around here,which making me fidgeting again.

It's possible that we might be ditched again.

Out of blue,I turned to find my French friend,then it stroke me that I hadn't been told of his name yet.I asked my Korean friend to see if he knew.

He said he didn't know either.Could it be he didn't understand my English?

I thought I had asked him for his name for several times already.It's because everytime I needed to call him to come together with us,I felt hesitant and was always in searching a right word to call him.
I couldn't leave him here,could I?This matter came to hit my mind on the last flight to Don Det Island,at last.











Time dripped away and the surface of the river was so dark,that I couldn't even make out anything.

The lighting flashed constantly in the far side of the sky,making my nerves so uneasy.

There's no any light pollution here,thus the lighting bolts made me feel the whole world was about to collapse anytime.

No,I didn't want to be under the situation of being ditched.It was just too hassled.

I went up to try to persuade our boatman to start off immediately,saying my doctor was waiting for me on the island,and I really needed to meet him right away,

or my stomach might be something,something...

I started making up all sorts of excuses,obviously I'd got nothing to do at this moment,either.Out of my surprise,he gave me a yes.

I quickly turned back to hail my companions to get around and get on board.

"The Hell...!"
They weren't there at the pier waiting...Now what?

At last,we were all on board heading towards Don Det Island.The rattlig motor of the boat was the only noice we could hear,along with the occassional lighting bolts shot through

the edge of the dark clouds in the sky and the thunders roared nonstopping.

We were so quiet,so concentrated on the necessary voyage.It was pitched dark.It should have been a frequent sailing for the boatmen here I speculated,

otherwise,a potential danger of a boat toppling could be caused by a hidden reef anytime. 










It seemed most of the restaurants and private accommodations on island were set up along the coast.
Their lights flickered at night while we were approaching,making the warm light spreading along the river bank a strip of shining necklace.

Our boat was making the last flight to the pier,and which brought back my savory happiness of travelings.






The rain started to fall at the moment  we just finished our landing.
Since we had completed our mission to get on island successfully and safely in the end of today's journey,

it was the time to end my adventure and got a proper rest.

I took out my umbrella and got ready.I was calm and my mood was back to be easy.

The hotel I had booked was not far from the pier.My newly acquainted friends were chitchatting about

the possible activities that might follow later or tomorrow,simply shooting breeze here and there.

I suddenly popped a question to the French friend,"What's your name? How do I call you?"
Strangely,he resumed a pattern of saying something  that was irrelevant.

I was thinking,"How to make a rendezvou with you if I don't even know your name?

Not to mention I doubt it would be real.But,at least,it is a polite way  to interact with people in the beginning?


I looked around and sensed the rain was getting stronger,and I was tired after a whole day's laboring in the transportation.

I abruptly turned away and  made a hand gesture as a sign of good bye.
I heard their calling from my back,but I had already bid my good night,and I didn't care if I would see them again...












The umbrella in my hands didn't make any obvious difference under the condition of the pouring rain.I was so afraid that the thunders and lighting could hit me anytime on the way to my hotel.I didn't think there was any sort of facility of lighting proof here.

At last,I reached my Airbnb.I quickly settled and put aside my luggages.I needed to eat something soon,for I had labored all day in transportation and it's quite late.Luckily,I met Henri who took me to a nearby restaurant,Gecko,where should be a popular gathering site for all foreigners to come.

People made acquainted and chitchatted pretty soon,I assumed days here were almost like this,free with no worries and being an occasual expat was what a visitor should do.



The period of River Mekong,where closes to the border between Laos and Cambodia is full of violent currents rushing down to cut into the gorge,while water flowing through the rugged rocks and steep falls.The sediments of river on this period are easily formed to make different shallows and sandbanks that are unevenly high and low in the twisted and dangerous water canal.
The sight is no doubt grand and magnificent,and the livies by it are unique from others',making it a paradise for natural adventurers.The outdoors tours offered by it are totally different from our usual tastes back in Taiwan.Thus,it would be a pity if it was left out in your Asia tour.




The type of vacational sites is plenty,and some of them are not usually seen.
It's not simply because it is in a remote area,hard to reach,so that makes it an ideal holiday location.Nope!
It should accompany with an imposing scenery and various outdoors activities.
4,000-islands has imposing waterfalls to appreciate,and an endangered species,Irrawaddy dophins to find,while rowing light boats on water,but the most elemental key is the living cost that's low,which can make you lead a few of carefree days in life.
Everything here was hassel-free.The stores and restaurants would take care of all your daily needs,local tour agencies would arrange activity schedule for you.Everything here is well taken care of,making you easily forget time flowing by.People here are nice,for the main income here came from tourism.So,you'll be treated nice.



The business brought from tourists probably was not bad.An out-casted land always has its unique charms to expats,especially Australians in here,they coming to open restaurants.
In 2 days,I was going to leave for my next site,even though I didn't have a strict schedule,I could stay as long as I'd like.It was just I didn't have a strong interest in here right now.

My Laos' currencies were running low,and didn't have enough cash with me.
So,I gave a 100 dollars' banknote to the store owner,and got an old 20 dollars' note as changes.But when I got to the next bigger city,Parkse,where I couldn't almost find a store which would like to exchange the 20 Old dollars' note.

It turned out that there were many fake US bills in Laos,which made shops or stores didn't want to receive the old Amercian banknotes.
It had spent me a lot of time in searching of the willing shops for my old 20 dollars.Finally,I found a shop which would accept it when I used it to buy things from them.

There is only one commuting boat shift in a day,it's about at noon time.
If I missed it,I would have to stay one more day on island.However,I'd got nothing to do here,I'd like to keep on my journey to other places.
We made it to the other bank of the river.

I followed other passengers to the bus station,where I met my Korean friend by surprise.

He seemed to get his bus ticket with lower price,but the bus attendant wanted him to fill up the price gap from the normal price,that's stated on the board at the bus station.

But...he didn't want to...
Goodness,here we go again.
They kept arguing with each other.I didn't think the attendant would like to pay for him,for the wage here wasn't good.Thus,the attendant wanted him to get off the buss at last.
My Korean friend didn't want to,either.
Our bus was delayed,and I eventually complaint to him.
"It's not much,besides,the price was listed at the station.Don't act the way like you're at the customs when we came. You won't save much,and now you're holding everyone here."





Went the bus finally,I felt happy and relaxed.But I wasn't sure if it was for the new anticipation of the next new adventure ,or was it I wouldn't need to bump into the two jerks any more.
Feeling happy indeed.Haha.



~ End ~








































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